My testimony

I was born and raised in a Christian home. Now, just because I was born and
raised a Christian, doesn't mean that I am an automatic Christian and when
I was 4 I realized that. I told my dad that I knew that he talked a lot about God
and that he and my mom were Christians. I also knew that just because they
were Christians didn't make me one, so I invited Jesus into my heart. I can't
tell you exactly what my life was like before I was a Christian, but I can tell you
what it was like after. It was great, though  I'm not going to lie, it wasn't all flowers
and rainbows. When
I was around 13/14 years old, I really started to question my faith. A lot of my so called
'friends' were falling away from the faith. I wanted to make sure that the faith I believed
in was worth fighting for, and my own. I wanted to make sure that even if I moved out
of my parent's house, that I would be a die hard Christian. And that was another thing, if
I was going to continue to be a Christian, I was not going to be a watered down version.
So I tried different things but always fell back in the rut of a traditional cookie cutter Christian, but finally when I was almost 15, it really hit me. I needed
to stop trying to be a Christian by myself, I needed God to help me have a good solid
relationship with him. And it's amazing. I still struggle with sin, but God helps me through
it, and I know he's going to be with me through the end. It's a big burden off my back to know
that I don't have to worry about my future, because he's got it under control.

Old Stuff