Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Meaning of Life

The meaning of life.....

Try that for an essay question. Once
while look at some essay ideas I came across this question
which really made me think for awhile.
What is the meaning of life? Is it a loaded question? Yes and
no. If one doesn't think about it, yes, it is a loaded question. But
the more that one thinks about it, at least for me, the answer is simple.
The meaning of life is to live it for God, and to glorify Him.
We aren't here for very long, so we should make the most of
the time that we have here.

What are  you going to do to live  life for God? Why don't you write
it out in a journal, or tell someone. This is a question that you'll need
to think about, but once you do, it will bring a lot more meaning into
your life.

Old Stuff