Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Good Music

If you're like most teens, you listen to whatever new songs
come on the radio, or itunes, or whatever, be them Christian
or not. Now some Christians believe that you shouldn't listen
to none Christian songs. Let me get this out of the way: I am
not one of those people. Now, I would say that you don't
want to listen to songs that have profanity( swear words) in
them, or suggestive( bad) lyrics, but if you can't sing or listen
to any secular songs, then you're not allowed to sing Happy Birthday,
or even Twinkle Twinkle Little Star( not that anyone sings that except
for little kids, but you get my point). Now, there are some secular songs
that are better then others, and it's also important to include Christian
songs on your ipod, or just to listen to. So here's a few of my favorite
songs both secular( with clean lyrics), and Christian: Spotlight by
Selena Gomez, A Year Without Rain by Selena Gomez, Intuition by Selena Gomez,
More Beautiful You by Jason Mraz, Waka Waka( this time for Africa, by Shakira( I don't
normally like many songs by her, but this has a great beat, and good lyrics), Waving Flag( some
versions are in a different language, but the lyrics are good either way) not sure who it's by, Our God
by Chris Tomlin, absolutely anything by Hawk Nelson, or Barlow Girl, Viva La Vida by Coldplay, songs by Jordan Sparks, Love Story by Taylor Swift, The Light Meets the Dark by Tenth Avenue and there are a lot more but I don't have time to put all of them. So I hope that these will give you a head start to creating an awesome ipod playlist!

Old Stuff