Wednesday, February 9, 2011

God Loves: The people with special needs

You may see them in your school, or sometime during your day.
People with conditions like Down Syndrome, and Autism.
They are people too, even if they have to have help living
their lives.
Two years ago, I had a chance to volunteer with my aunt, who
works with special needs kids at a local school. When she
asked me if I wanted to go with her on bring your kid to
work day, I was really excited. And the reason that I was
excited was not a reason you might expect. When I was
going to be born, the doctors told my mom that I was either
going to die, or that I was going to have special needs. I could
have been one of those kids that I was going to help my aunt with.
So it was really special that I would get a chance to help these
kids out.

When I met the girl that we were going to be working with,
my heart melted. She was the cutest and sweetest little girl
with autism. She had such server autism so my aunt and I went
from class to class with her, helping her keep focused
and helping her with her school stuff. I was even able to
get in there and help her with some things which was
really great. She looked up to me, and I was so glad
to be able to be with her for the day. That day was so
amazing and really changed my view of special
needs kids.

What do I want you to take from this? You could have been
a special needs kid too. So have a heart for the kids who are.

What do I suggest you do? See if there is a way to work with
special needs kids in your area, and try it out. Trust me, you
may think that you are doing a good thing by helping them,
but you will end up more blessed than you could ever

Old Stuff