Monday, February 7, 2011

God loves: The elderly

It's hard to believe that they were kids once isn't it? The stories
that they tell came sometimes seem unbelievable that they would
do something like that back then. Too often teenagers don't
concern themselves with the elderly and they are missing
a lot.
It's so amazing when you talk to an elderly person
who you aren't related to. You may have heard the
stories that your grandpa tells you a thousand times,
but when you meet a new elderly person you unlock
all kinds of new stories. Don't be put off by the fact
that they are old, they too were once young
and have lots of stories of their younger days.

This year, I moved into a new neighborhood which is filled
mostly with older people. The oldest person in the whole
neighborhood was this ninety year old lady who lived across
the street from us. I had heard it said that she was a bit salty,
but I went over with my mom and met her. After I met her a
couple days later, I took over a flower pot that I had made for
her. We got to talking and I learned a lot about her.
She lived all alone and was often lonely, so I suggested to
my parents that we bring dinner over. She was so surprised
and excited it was amazing.We learned more about her, and
continued to visit with her.

Unfortunately, a couple months later she fell and had to go
to a nursing home where we visited her. I was so sad that
she wasn't in the neighborhood anymore but I was glad that
we could still visit her, and talk to her. Just recently she moved
to a different nursing home farther away, and I am glad that I
got to know her before she moved.

What do I want you to take from this? Elderly people need
to be loved to. They are people who have pasts and stories
to tell. Get to know a new elderly person by visiting your
local nursing home. They will love to see you, and you will become
so blessed by hearing their stories and getting to know them.

Old Stuff